March Madness

With my love for basketball, many of you must think I’m talking about hoops but I am not. I’m talking about life on the river as we prepare for spring! Seeds to buy and plant, new chicks to add to the flock, fences and gates to build.  So much to do to prepare for our
garden. But I am so excited to get my hands back in to the soil.
We had a nice trip last month to the coast to visit Keith’s cousin.  We got to visit the redwoods, they were so dramatically beautiful!  I took Ginger Snap up the mountain in a tram, she is such the adventurous  pooch!  It was a nice weekend getaway!
All the fruit trees have been trimmed and they are starting to get their flower buds.  The tulips are coming up as well as the iris, lilies and gladiolas!  The addition to the coop is complete. The cages for the strawberries are just about built.  They are necessary to keep the deer and the raccoons from eating the berries! The onions and garlic that I planted in late fall are really growing good.  All the hard work is going to pay off in wonderful dividends!  We are already getting about two eggs a day fromIMG_2784 our pullets!IMG_2759IMG_2805
The river is coming alive with all the wildlife that live here. We’ve had geese and deer here all winter but the birds and hummingbirds are back. A few butterflies are starting to appear and we’ve seen many a otter fishing by the shore.  We also had the privilege of watching a great blue heron walk along the shore, stopping to eat and then move up river.
This month I will start many of the seedlings indoors, get the garden areas ready and the garden fences up.  Lots of work ahead but I feel great and I’m already firming up my muscles! Although I never thought I’d like to live in the country, this life seems to agree with me.  I feel healthy and  strong, I’m eating better foods and my life is much simpler.  I love my life!
Happy Spring!

3 thoughts on “March Madness

  1. Reading this entry made me feel happy and filled me with anticipation of the Spring rebirth. It’s so amazing that the seeds which were under the snow were getting ready to burst open and begin the cycle once more. Your place there at the river is being renewed under your’s and Keith’s hands!!! Thank you for sharing your the beauty and peace of your hard woek and its rewards. Always so very proud of you! Love you

  2. Hello to my very dear friend Cathi and Keith. I was beginning to wonder why I hadn’t heard from you and now I know why! Oh Cathi as I was reading your blog I thought such a different life for you and Keith but one that is so much fulfilled then all the stress and hussle bustle here in Las Vegas. God bless you both and I so happy for your new life. Lov Kat

  3. so very happy for you. The seeds that you are planting will bring you much joy. I can totally see you in this environment. Hugs!

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